For School Admin/Leader

Guide your school towards educational excellence.

By incorporating the following strategies and utilising the interactive features of the clickable Qaidah on Journey2Jannah, you can create a supportive and engaging learning environment for your children as they explore the fundamentals of Qaidah and Quranic recitation.

  1. Introduction to the Clickable Qaidah: Start by introducing your children to the clickable Qaidah feature on Journey2Jannah.
  2. Guided Practice Sessions: Schedule regular practice sessions with your children using the clickable Qaidah. Sit with them and guide them through each lesson, ensuring they understand the pronunciation and Tajwid rules.
  3. Interactive Learning Experience: Encourage your children to actively engage with the lessons by clicking on each letter or word to hear its correct pronunciation. Emphasise the importance of listening carefully and repeating after the reciter.
  4. Progress Tracking: Use the progress tracking feature to monitor your children’s advancement through the Qaidah lessons. Celebrate their achievements and offer encouragement as they make progress.
  5. Reinforcement Activities: Supplement the Qaidah lessons with additional reinforcement activities, such as practicing writing Arabic letters or reciting short passages from the Quran. This helps reinforce their learning and retention.
  6. Consistent Practice: Encourage your children to practice regularly, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day. Consistency is key to mastering Qaidah principles and improving Quranic recitation skills.
  7. Encouragement and Support: Provide positive reinforcement and encouragement to your children as they navigate the learning process. Offer praise for their efforts and offer support whenever they encounter challenges.
What are your feelings
Updated on August 22, 2024

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