For Parents

Stay connected to your child's learning journey .

Remember, we’re all continuously learning and growing in our understanding of Tajwid. By utilising our Journey2Jannah Clickable Qaidah and dedicating consistent effort to practice, you’ll be well-equipped to support your child in their Quranic studies, insha’Allah. Keep up the great work on your learning journey!

Utilising the Clickable Qaidah: If you’re looking to improve your Tajwid to better assist your child in learning, our clickable Qaidah is an excellent resource. This interactive tool provides step-by-step guidance on proper pronunciation and Tajwid rules, led by an experienced Quran reciter. By following along with the recitation and practicing regularly, you can enhance your own Tajwid skills and gain confidence in assisting your child with their Quranic studies. Click here to access the clickable Qaidah and begin your journey towards improved Tajwid. Rest assured, the quality of the recitation is second to non.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 21, 2024

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